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What is the “September Surge” and can it help you find a new job?, By: Courtney Crites

Sep 05, 2023 07:00 PM
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Picture this: September rolls around and it’s not just pumpkin spice season - it’s also prime time for job hunting, thanks to the “September Surge”. The September Surge refers to the significant increase in job openings and hiring activities that tend to occur between Labour Day (the first Monday in September) and Halloween (October 31). According to a study by Glassdoor, September consistently ranks as one of the top months for job openings, with a notable increase compared to the previous months. This surge is not limited to a specific sector, but is rather a widespread occurrence that spans over many fields such as technology, finance, healthcare, and more.

Let’s explore the concept of the September Surge and understand how it can potentially help you find a new job!

Factors Driving the Surge 

End of Fiscal Year: Many companies operate on a fiscal year that aligns with the calendar year. So, as the fiscal year draws to a close, companies often take the time to reassess their financials and strategic goals. This evaluation can lead to workforce adjustments, including hiring new talent to support upcoming projects and initiatives. 

Post-Summer Planning: The summer months usually mean vacations and a more relaxed atmosphere in the workplace. However, as September approaches, companies will usually shift their focus back to regular business operations. This transition usually prompts companies to ramp up their hiring efforts to address any staffing gaps that may have come up during the summer months. 

Budget Allocations: With new budgets set for the upcoming fiscal year, companies have a clearer understanding of the financial resources available for hiring new employees. This financial clarity facilitates the recruitment process, as budget constraints are often a key consideration in hiring decisions. 

Academic Calendar: The beginning of September aligns with the end of summer break and the beginning of a new academic year in many regions. This timing is convenient for companies looking to hire recent graduates or individuals seeking career changes after pursuing further education. 

Leveraging the September Surge for Your Job Search 

Prepare Accordingly: To take full advantage of the September Surge, start preparing your job search materials as early as possible. Update your resume, tailor your cover letter, and polish your online presence, including your LinkedIn profile. 

Tap Into Networking: September is usually a busy month for networking events, conferences, and workshops - use this period to connect with professionals in your desired industry. These events and interactions provide a unique chance to connect with industry professionals, hiring managers, and potential colleagues. Whether attending in person or virtually, make it a point to participate in these opportunities to expand your network and gather insights into your target industry. 

Research Companies: Identify companies and roles that align with your career goals and values. Research their hiring patterns and upcoming projects, positioning yourself as a candidate who can contribute to their success. By being proactive, you can position yourself as an early applicant, increasing your chances of catching the recruiter’s attention. 

Pro Tip: Always look on the company’s website for job openings - bigger companies sometimes avoid using job boards/posting positions on LinkedIn. 

Showcase Your Flexibility: September is usually the start of new company-wide projects and initiatives, making it an ideal time to bring in fresh talent (that’s you!). Make it a point to highlight your adaptability, willingness to learn, and ability to contribute effectively to new teams and projects. Employers who wish to ramp up their efforts in the last quarter of the year will be particularly drawn to candidates who can seamlessly integrate into their existing workflows. 

So, Can The September Surge Help You Find A Job?

The September Surge in job opportunities can be an incredibly favorable time to enhance your chances of securing employment. With increased hiring activity, there is a higher probability of finding a job that aligns with your skills and interests. Of course, increased hiring activity means an influx of candidates, which can create an atmosphere of competition, but it also offers many opportunities for networking and building connections within industries. At the end of the day, utilizing this September Surge effectively can significantly increase your chances of getting hired!